Sentient Labs

Whether we are talking about an NFT or a cryptocurrency, the staking process works similarly. The term staking refers to locking up non-fungible tokens or crypto in exchange for staking rewards and/or other benefits. When staking crypto or NFTs the owner has to sign a smart contract transaction, often moving the staked item to the staking contract and receiving a staking token or tokens in return.

Staking rewards vary and may include earning additional tokens or NFTs. This allows holders to earn something of potential value in exchange for locking their items, all while maintaining ownership.


Semi-fungible assets have very unique properties and may shift between being fungible and non-fungible during their lifecycle. After a specific period of time, or after

Paper Hands

Someone with paper hands will sell at the first sign of trouble or as soon as their investment turns profitable. This is also known as having

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What is Message Signing?

with editing by taxil What is signing? Signing is a cryptographic operation involving a message and your private key. You use your private key to

Further Reading

Dimension X Featured Image

Dimension X Public Sale Launches on Gaia

The Dimension X public sale launched today on the Gaia marketplace. Dimension X is a Free-to-Play, Play-to-Earn strategic role playing game on the Flow blockchain


What is Polygon?

Polygon is a decentralized “layer two” or “sidechain” Ethereum scaling solution that enables developers to build scalable user-friendly dApps. The blockchain prides itself on having