Sentient Labs

Google Chrome Receives 11 Security Fixes Including 1 Zero-Day Exploit

The latest update to Google’s Chrome browser is out, upping the version number to 104.0.5112.101 (Mac and Linux), or to 104.0.5112.102 (Windows).

According to Google, the new version includes 11 security fixes, one of which is highlighted with the remark that “an exploit [for this vulnerability] exists in the wild”, making it a critical and active zero-day vulnerability which requires an immediate update.

To update your Google Chrome browser, open Preferences and choose About Chrome from the list. Double check that your version number matches the one above. You may need to relaunch Chrome for the update to take effect.

A zero-day vulnerability refers to the fact that the so-called good guys, even well informed ones, have zero days of warning ahead of bad actors. This means users need to move very quickly to update their systems in order to protect them from potential attacks.

Chrome is based on the Chromium engine, which is also used by other web browsers. Also look for updates for Brave, Edge, and Opera if you have any of those browsers installed.

There are suggestions that these holes could be used to target crypto holders. Update your browser immediately for maximum security.

Be sure to follow all our security articles for more updates and insight.

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