Sentient Labs

Category: Terms

GM term


What does the term GM mean? If you have spent any time on crypto or NFT related Twitter accounts, Discord servers, or Telegram channels, you


Whether we are talking about an NFT or a cryptocurrency, the staking process works similarly. The term staking refers to locking up non-fungible tokens or

Over-the-Counter (OTC)

What Is Over-the-Counter (OTC)? Over-the-counter (OTC) in crypto and NFTs refers to the process of trading person-to-person instead of via a 3rd party marketplace or


Semi-fungible assets have very unique properties and may shift between being fungible and non-fungible during their lifecycle. After a specific period of time, or after


Non-fungible assets are unique, irreplaceable, and non-interchangeable. Being non-Fungible means that individual items can not be mutually substituted without a change in value. Artworks, concert


Fungible assets simplify the exchange and trade processes. Fungibility implies that two items have identical parameters, where individual units can be mutually substituted without a

Sicul Harp

The phrase Sicul Harp originated on the NFT Sports discord server during the heyday of NBA Top Shot. It all came about when a trivia

Paper Hands

Someone with paper hands will sell at the first sign of trouble or as soon as their investment turns profitable. This is also known as having

Diamond Hands

Diamond Hands is a phrase used by crypto enthusiasts to refer to people who hold on to their cryptocurrency or crypto assets for dear life

MGLE term


MGLE stands for Metallic Gold Limited Edition within the NBA Top Shot ecosphere. It is correctly pronounced according to the letters in the acronym, ‘Em-Gee-Ell-Ee’.