Sentient Labs

What Is Over-the-Counter (OTC)?

Over-the-counter (OTC) in crypto and NFTs refers to the process of trading person-to-person instead of via a 3rd party marketplace or swap service. Because over-the-counter trading primarily happens between individuals in the cryptocurrency and NFT verticals it contains significantly more risk than when using a trustless service.

Scammers routinely approach people using Discord or Twitter direct messages offering better deals than can be found on marketplaces. Sometimes a scammer will use the carrot that an OTC deal will mean that no marketplace commissions or artist royalties will be paid. However, these incentives mask the high risks.


Semi-fungible assets have very unique properties and may shift between being fungible and non-fungible during their lifecycle. After a specific period of time, or after


MGLE stands for Metallic Gold Limited Edition within the NBA Top Shot ecosphere. It is correctly pronounced according to the letters in the acronym, ‘Em-Gee-Ell-Ee’.

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Hardware Wallet Setup Recommendations

Hackers are constantly looking for new ways to compromise your security and gain access to your crypto currencies and NFTs. Protecting your tokens can seem

Further Reading

Dimension X Featured Image

Dimension X Public Sale Launches on Gaia

The Dimension X public sale launched today on the Gaia marketplace. Dimension X is a Free-to-Play, Play-to-Earn strategic role playing game on the Flow blockchain


What is Polygon?

Polygon is a decentralized “layer two” or “sidechain” Ethereum scaling solution that enables developers to build scalable user-friendly dApps. The blockchain prides itself on having